Can I use a cellphone, tablet or iPad for the mock test?

We recommend using our online test through laptop or PC ONLY. Please don’t use cellphone, tablet or iPad, or else you will lose your attempt.

Which browser do you recommend operating our mock exams?

We recommend Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari and Firefox browsers to operate our mock exams.

How can I reach on mock test page?

Once you create an account with us, you can start the demo practice test on our student dashboard which will guide you to all available mock tests.

How should I purchase mock tests?

Please select one of our plans on the website or on the student dashboard and follow instructions.

How many attempts will I have for each mock test?

Each mock test has 2 attempts in all our pricing plans.

Is there any deadline for the mock tests?

Yes, mock tests will be available for 90 days from your purchase date.

Are there any time restrictions for the mock tests?

Yes, each subscription has their own time restriction, please review our pricing plans for time limits.

How can I contact DENTCASE for general inquiry?

please follow this link.

What should I keep in mind before starting any mock test?

Please allow yourself at least 5 to 6 hours before starting any mock. Each mock test or attempt has its own time limit. Please read the instruction page on student dashboard before you start any mock test.

What if I have to leave mock test unfinished for any reason, how should I proceed?

you can simply close the mock test window and resume it again. We allow you to resume the mock test during any attempt only for two times. Under no circumstances, we will give a second opportunity to finish the mock test if you have already resumed it twice.

Where can I write the feedback?

Any feedback must be posted on the support section where we have a separate feedback option.